Death and Life
Looking closely while walking through my garden, I see the wonder of life!
I feel connected to nature and see how I am a part of it, and it is a part of me.
I see the interconnection of my life and nature.
As I walk through the garden, the squirrels and rabbits scurry.
I see life all around me, the garden I have tended.
I see the interconnection of life and death, as I see plants thriving among the rotted remains of their fellow plants, as if death were nothing to fear.
I know of the death and decay in the soil, where I nurture the bacteria that break down organic matter into nutrients for the plants.
I see the battles of the bugs and plants, and when they threaten my plants, I find myself joining the fight. I easily wipe out civilizations of bugs and plants to satisfy my vain pleasure of growing these plants here and those plants there.
I am a giant in the garden, a god-like being who decides who lives and who dies.
I see mankind in this garden. I see how we are not so apart from this behavior.
I see the wars of man to be no different than the wars of nature.
It is also in our nature to fight.
There is death all around my feet in my garden. Death and destruction are everywhere.
Anytime we like, we can place our focus on this realm of death.
We can learn to see it as a part of who we are.
Life is dependent on death.
It is the death of infinite things that has brought me to this point, from this point forth will be the death of infinite things.
The death of stars, the death of plants, the death of animals, the death of humans.
All my ancestors before me.
All my descendants behind me.
All my relatives
We all share in this death
And it is good
Death and life are two sides to the same energy.
By being aware of death, by placing our focus here, we see that death is nothing to fear.
Awareness is light.
Awareness brings comfort.
Awareness shows us the truth.
Awareness is Life!
And when we place our focus on life, we see that we are alive right now, and that is the time to enjoy this experience of knowing, of being, and of relating.
Looking to the garden, I see death is the rocket fuel that propels the flower to bloom.
We live in search of bliss, but with bliss comes the suffering.
This is the way.
We ebb and flow.
It is how we know.
This is how we relate.